Monday, November 13, 2017

Macbeth Act 1-2

             In act one of Macbeth, it starts out with the scene of three witches in front of a cauldron saying "fair is foul and foul is fair" and then it go into the next scene where the king and the captain of the Scottish army praise Macbeth on how he dealt with the traitor, Macdonwald, and his other victories throughout the war like how captured the Thane of  Cawdor. The next scene is where Macbeth and Banquo are visited by the three witches who tell them Macbeth will be Thane of Cawdor and more importantly king, but they do not tell him when, where, and most importantly how he will become king and what he will be king of. After the witches leave, Macbeth is promoted to the thane of Cawdor which plants a seed of doubt that the prophecy might be fake. In the last scene, Macbeth sends a letter to his wife about the prophecy and how it might be true she then plans a way to kill the king and convince her husband to do it so he can become King.

Act 2
             In act two of Macbeth, the scene starts with Banquo and Flenace, his son, talking about a strange event. Macbeth enters the scene and Banquo asks him about thoughts what he thought about the witches prophecy which Macbeth said was definitely goes to the next scene where he then kills King Duncan because his wife says that the King reminded her too much of father so she could not kill him. Macbeth is so shaken by what he has done that he can not kill the guards so Lady Macbeth does it for him.While the porter answers the door, Macbeth and his wife got rid of the evidence. Macbeth asks like he found the king dead and killed the people who slaughtered him. while everybody else believes it Ross and the kings sons did not believe. This causes the sons to flee and Ross to question and maybe uncover King Duncan's real killer.