Monday, January 15, 2018

Emily Dickinson Poems

1. "Forever is composed of nows"

This line means that life is meant be lived the fullest and to do that you should not worry about a future that is not here yet and live in the now. The future would not be as fun if we knew everything about it.

2. "That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet."

People say that the it is a once in a lifetime opportunity because life is short and we will die someday and makes the experiences we have and things we do all that more important and special. It makes does moments worth more then everything.

3." If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain."

This quote means that if she can save someone's from feeling pain that she live and die happily knowing her life had some meaning.

4. "If I read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can warm me, I know that is poetry."

She is saying that if something she reads makes her feel such powerful emotions she can say for certain that it is poetry. She is hinting that poetry is something that makes you feel things intensely and if it does not it is not poetry

5. "This is my letter to the world that never wrote me."

The letter she wrote were her poems to a world that did not understand her and what she stood for. The world never wrote her because they did not accept her and so Emily wrote to a world that would never understand her.

6. "Saying  nothing sometimes says the most."

Sometimes when a person insults you and ignore them shows that you are more mature then them and when you can be quiet and listen to what others have to say shows the most.

7. "I dwell in possibility"

She is that poetry is possibility because poetry has the potential to be about anything like death, love, and birth. It is also something that can change forms depending on the readers on thoughts and views.

8. "Nature is a haunted house--but Art--is a house that tries to be haunted."

The art is poetry and while people try to demean it they can not because poetry will always an art just like nature will always be beautiful both are something that will be around forever.

9. "Parting is all we know of heaven, and all we need of hell."

When people die and go to heaven all we know that is that they are going to better place where we someday join, but for now we have to part while is also hell because they person we love and hold dear is gone and we will not be able to see them for a while.

10.  "I have been been bent and broken, but - I hope- into a better shape."

Emily has been through a lot in her life with having  having nobody that can truly understand and being shunned for being true to herself. She is saying through this that she hopes she has come out stronger because of it.

11.  "in this short life that lasts ah hour how much-how little-is within our power."

Life is short and not all of it is in our control so accomplish what you can and life to the fullest because you never know when it can end because that is one thing that is completely out of our control.

12. "Whenever a thing is done for the first time, it releases a little demon."

Whenever sometime is done for the first time whether it is something good like creating medicine or something bad like killing somebody someone will want to do it again and the person with bad intentions is the little demon that is released.

13.  "To shut eyes is to travel."

When you shut eyes you are traveling into mind like when you sleep or daydream. You travel to where innermost thoughts, memories, and emotions lie and when you close your eyes for last time you either travel to heaven or hell.

14. "open me carefully."

You have to be careful who you open yourself up to because they can be just trying to use you and when trying to get someone to open up to you do not pull to hard or you might push them away from you.

15. "Till I loved I never liked enough."

To Emily you have love something to truly have liked it because if you did not like it you can not learn to love it because when when you like something and truly like it you will slowly fall in love with it and will become something special to you.