Wednesday, March 7, 2018


1.) Living in the moment while waiting for a good future.

All the blacks in "I, Too" and Invisible Man are going through pandering to the white men's rule while waiting for the Time it can come true for them. In the case, of Dr. Bledsoe it has partially come in way that even though he is below whites ,but above blacks. In the poem "A Reguee in America", they are not truly free, but only going through the motions of fake-freedom while waiting for the day they will be truly Free.

2.) Fake
  In the two poems, "I, Too" and "A Reguee in America" and the novel Invisible Man they are all fakeing something like how the blacks and white have fake interactions with each other through out the novel while the man in "I, Too" fakes thinking that things will always be this way while in "A Reguee in America" they are given fake freedom and liberty.

3.) Outcast or Outsider
 In Invisible Man , the blacks are treated as outcasts by the whites. In "I, Too", the man is shown as an outsider in the way they make him eat in the kitchen. In "A Reguee in America" , they are shown as an outcast in the way the do not have true freedom and liberty while whites do.

Chapter 7 Questions

1.) Telling him that he has to be careful about what he says and what he does because in the south playing the game really does not matter because they will always do something bring them down, but in the North as long as he does it right the narrator can make something of himself.

2.) It means now their can be no one to guide or control him now ,but himself because now what he makes of himself is all up to him. He has to guide himself towards greatness like a father would guide their son and he has to find control in what to do or not to do like a father would tell his son. He has to do this himself so he is his own father.

3.) The allusion was Johnna and the belly of the whale with how he said he felt like he was in the belly of a whale himself.