Monday, November 13, 2017

Macbeth Act 1-2

             In act one of Macbeth, it starts out with the scene of three witches in front of a cauldron saying "fair is foul and foul is fair" and then it go into the next scene where the king and the captain of the Scottish army praise Macbeth on how he dealt with the traitor, Macdonwald, and his other victories throughout the war like how captured the Thane of  Cawdor. The next scene is where Macbeth and Banquo are visited by the three witches who tell them Macbeth will be Thane of Cawdor and more importantly king, but they do not tell him when, where, and most importantly how he will become king and what he will be king of. After the witches leave, Macbeth is promoted to the thane of Cawdor which plants a seed of doubt that the prophecy might be fake. In the last scene, Macbeth sends a letter to his wife about the prophecy and how it might be true she then plans a way to kill the king and convince her husband to do it so he can become King.

Act 2
             In act two of Macbeth, the scene starts with Banquo and Flenace, his son, talking about a strange event. Macbeth enters the scene and Banquo asks him about thoughts what he thought about the witches prophecy which Macbeth said was definitely goes to the next scene where he then kills King Duncan because his wife says that the King reminded her too much of father so she could not kill him. Macbeth is so shaken by what he has done that he can not kill the guards so Lady Macbeth does it for him.While the porter answers the door, Macbeth and his wife got rid of the evidence. Macbeth asks like he found the king dead and killed the people who slaughtered him. while everybody else believes it Ross and the kings sons did not believe. This causes the sons to flee and Ross to question and maybe uncover King Duncan's real killer.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

AP Class Story

Character: Pardoner
               It's the story of a man, who had long-blonde, sun-kissed skin and with eyes bluer than the sky, he wore high-quality cloth made of the finest silk and shoes that were brand new. He was the son of a rich nobleman and he was a prideful playboy. One morning, while walking through the village he came upon a the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes upon She had long crimson, red hair along pale skin that was white as snow with the most beautiful pair of exotic emerald, green eyes that he had ever laid eyes upon. she was of a slender build with a heart shaped face and even though the cloths she wore showed her low status he had to have her, so with great confidence he strolled over to her and said.
                      Nobleman's Son: Hello milady, how are you this fine day?
                       Village Girl: Fine and how are you good sir?
                      NMS: Good because i could lay my eyes upon your beauty.
                       VG: Many thanks for kind words good sir
                      NMS: You can thank me by accompanying me for the day.
                       VG: I can not do that good sir for my heart belongs to another and he is to be my husband.
The young man was understandably shocked the he was rejected, especially by this poor village girl . He had never been told no before neither by women or his own father. This nobleman's son was a spoiled one for all he ever wanted or desired was his with but a snap of his fingers, so he when the village girl rejected him he got the shock of his life. When he got over the shock the girl was gone and he looked around in search for her he spotted her in the arms of a ugly, in his eyes, village boy. This sight caused him to be driven mad by envy and greed. The nobleman's son conspired a plot to kill the village boy and claim the girl for himself. While on the way to complete his plan he met a old man. The old man was old and dirty with sunken cheeks and exposed ribs and ragged clothes. disgusted by him  the noble boy said.
                      NMS: Begone from my sight you disgusting creature 
                         Old Man: Why are you so rude?
                      NMS: We are not and never will be the same you disgusting creature 
                         Old Man: So we will disagree on that topic and what are doing out here on the edge of town?            NMS: That is none of your concern old man
                          Old Man: That may be, but maybe I can help
                      NMS:  You can help if you know of a person that can kill a man
                          Old Man: I do know of such a thing and may i ask why you need it?
                      NMS: No you may not.
                           Old Man: Very well. Turn up the crooked road to the left and then make a right. Then you will come upon the holy grotto and look for the blackened flower. That is what you and it will give you what you deserve.
                      NMS: Many thanks, you may be of some use yet.
The noble then went home and collected one his most loyal servants and then they set out on their quest for the flower. Eventually they found the holy grotto and when they entered it they searched for the flower. Along the way, they found many other treasures, such as, flowers made of gold and other precious metals , trees that grew gems, such as rubies and sapphires, and a river that tasted of the finest wine. Him and his servant looked upon the treasure with greed the servant asked his master for some for himself and his family, but the noble said no for he wanted to keep the treasures for him and his future wife. The man begged and pleaded with the noble boy , but he didn't want to hear it and commanded him to collect the treasures for their departure. They then collected the blackened flower and because they were tired they stayed for the night, but the servant poisoned his master and took the treasures for himself and lived happily while the noble boy died alone and forgotten. He truly got what he deserved.  

Sunday, August 27, 2017


The women in medieval times have little to no role in the male dominated society. The women of this time had to know their place in society. They were expected to support their husbands and to do their daily work. Women had a lot of responsibilities towards their families. In the villages, the women would do the same work as men, but they would be payed less. For example, For reaping, a man could get 8 pence a day. For the same task, women would get 5 pence. For hay making, men would earn 6 pence a day while women got 4 pence, but the women could not complain about this because they lived in a male dominated society. 90% of them lived in villages ,so they had to do some kind of farm. In conclusion, life in the middle ages was full of misery.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Geoffrey Chaucer Summary

    Geoffrey Chaucer was one of the rare poets who were admired greatly by his fellow poets, critics, and the public. His poetic talents and his understanding of human diversity was very popular. Sometimes the praise Chaucer received was misinformed. They,inaccurately, called him "the Father of English" and the prime shaper of the English language. When in fact, the English language had a long rich history before Chaucer was even born. His work was also seen as a renaissance ,of sorts, of how humanism works in the modern world. His work also develops from french influence, Italian tendencies, and English realism. His works are filled with variety that comes from many different cultures. Chaucer is a poet that takes the literature from many different cultures and their very different writing styles and brings them together to create his own very unique and diverse writing style.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Question:  My name is Grant and I am a teacher at a black children's school at the church. I have a problem and I do not know how to handle it.  My auntie's friend Miss Emma nephew Jefferson just got sentenced to death for the crime of killing Mr.Grope, but in the limited amount of time that he has left they want me to teach how to be a man because during his trial they kept comparing him to a hog, but he is on the floor at acting like one and i don't know why he acting like this and I don't want to make Miss Emma sad by telling her the truth about how he acted. I don't want to deal with this situation, but I have been manipulated into by miss Emma and my auntie and I don't want to deal with the humiliation this puts me through by going through all my stuff and paying me down which makes me feel like a slave being inspected. How do I handle the situation?Why do you think Jefferson is acting like a hog. How do I make Jefferson stop acting like a hog? How do I teach him how to be a man? And what to do I tell Miss Emma about what happened today?

Sunday, February 5, 2017

chapter 3-4 Questions

1. Henri Pichot's insistence that Jefferson was guilty could redirect the plot by showing the view the readers the view of a outsider and could also show the view of a white person's perspective on  Jefferson's "crime".

2. He means she is looking at him and talking to him but she is really thinking about Jefferson and the how he was degraded at the trial. She also tries to make him feel guilty by saying Grant doesn't have to go.

3. The back door symbolizes the place where they had no freedom. It is also a bad memory of harder time that they probably don't want to relive. the use of the back door signifies that they are lesser and they deserve the use of the front.

4. she reminded of all the things she did for his family. She felt like he owed for all the things she did for him in the past.
 Ch. 4
1. It so the defender's true feelings abut Jefferson and his true position in the trial because if he was really trying to defend him why compare him to hog when you have a slaughter house in town. the hog comment would remind the jury of the SH which would cause them to think of how hogs need to be slaughtered. 

2. He wants to leave because he feels that all there is to there is live and die, but something holds him back. his love for Vivian if it wasn't for her he would have been gone.  

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Martin Luther King Rhertorical Analysis

      Martin Luther King Jr. used parallelism numerously in his speech. For example, he keeps repeating the phrase "We can never be satisfied...". He keep saying this phrase to emphasize the fact African Americans can never be truly satisfied until they had the freedom to make their choices and the rights all Americans our entitled in accordance to our laws. Another example is the phrase "Let freedom ring from...". This show hope and belief that their will be freedom for every man, woman, and child all across America. Dr. King's use of parallelism shows the audience his conviction to the cause and his belief of freedom for everyone.   
       Dr. King also used pathos throughout his entire speech. An example would be the phrase"We can never be satisfied as long as our children are stripped of their adulthood and robbed of their dignity by signs stating "For Whites only". This pulls on his audience emotions because most of the parents did not want their kids to go through the same humiliation they did. Furthermore, he goes on to state that "I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations." he then goes on to state some of the trials they went to get there. That caused four emotional reactions pride, for overcoming those trials, anger, for having to go those trials in the first place, guilt, for causing the Blacks to go through such trials, and hope for better future. 

Introduction 2017

my name is Faith Harris. I am 17 years of age and my birthday is on January 21, 2000. I like to read, listen to music on YouTube, and hangout with my family and friends. I am currently attending B.C Rain high-school. I am a junior and I am currently taking math, English AP, psychology, and AP history. I plan to become either a chef or a psychiatrist in the future. I think Martin Luther King Jr. achieved his dream of peace and freedom because even-though it is not perfect blacks and white can interact with each-other, women have rights, and people have the freedom to be themselves.