Sunday, April 29, 2018

Color Purple Compare and Contrast

               The novel, The Color Purple, by Alice Walker has many differences with the movie even with the opening which focuses on a rape scene which hits the readers with powerful sympathy for Celie while the movie focuses on a happier memory which tries that Celie has few good memories. It then hits them verbal abuse by Celie's Stepfather then goes to you the birth and taking away of her child which I fill makes it more powerful for viewers because they can actual see instead of imaging the heartbreak of having your child taken from you. The movie explains things less clearly and detailed then the book because in the book we get a clear of the relationship of between while in the movie it is vague and let to the interpretation of viewers. The book always told more clearly the deteriorate of Harpo's and Sofia's relationship and the fixing of Sofia's and Celie's friendship. The movie also makes the viewer think that Sofia never forgave her while in the book they had a talk and reforged their friendship. Another difference is how they explain Nettie leaving because the movie shows Mr. hitting on Nettie and trying to force himself on her on the way to her school then violently forcing her from the house after he failed while the book shows Mr. calmly saying she has to go with Nettie calmly leaving after Celie gave her some the advice about where to go and did mention it till the end in one of Nettie's letters. The movie basically focused more on the emotions they caused they viewers and Celie's own emotions while the book focused more on Celie's focused more on her faith in God and the abuse more bluntly and clearly.
              Despite all the differences, they also have their similarities like how they both mention the rape and the taken of her two children because in both the movie and the both they are both moments that define Celie as a person. They both also show Celie's growth as woman. The growth is vital to both because they want to show how even a abused girl can find her way into womanhood by having the right motivations and a little outside help. Celie did not really become a woman till she found her inner beauty and realized that she was perfect the way she was. They both also show how Celie came out of shell and rises above the abuse ,not something many people can do, and finds herself while also loving it. They both also show womanhood in other characters such as Shug, Nettie, Sofia, and etc. because in one way or another they all found some form of independence and confidence in themselves.

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